(+357) 7000 32 32 info@pcxmanagement.eu


Up-to-date Training Programs
for employees and businesses



Training Programs

PECB Certified
ISO 31000
Lead Risk Manager

ISO 31000 will will help you to determine which risks are essential to take in order to achieve primary objectives before they affect the business, while effectively keeping all other risks under control.

Category: Governance, Risk And Compliance

Duration: 5 days

MS Project
Project Management

This course focuses on the basic principles in project management where at the same time participants learn through how to plan and monitor a project using Microsoft Project.

Category: Project Management

Duration: 18 hours

Cost: €195

PECB Certified
ISO 21500
Lead Project Manager

ISO 21500 Lead Project Manager training enables you to acquire the expertise to lead an organization and its team to implement, manage and maintain projects based on ISO 21500.

Category: Quality Management System

Duration: 5 days


Category: Governance, Risk And Compliance

Duration: 5 days

Category: Project Management

Duration: 18 hours 

Category: Quality Management System

Duration: 5 days

PECB Certified
ISO 22301
Business Continuity Management

ISO 22301 training course enables you to comprehend the basic concepts of a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS). You will understand the importance of a Business Continuity Management System.

Category: Continuity, Resilience and Recovery

Duration: 1-5 days

PECB Certified
ISO/IEC 27032
Lead Cybersecurity Manager

ISO 27032 Lead Cybersecurity Manager training enables you to acquire the expertise and competence needed to support an organization in implementing and managing a Cybersecurity program based on ISO 27032.

Category:  IT Security

Duration: 5 days

gdpr icon1
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

This two-day EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) training course will provide you with a comprehensive introduction to the EU GDPR’s context terminology, legal requirements and compliance mechanisms.

Category: Management, Security

Duration: 1-2 days

Category: Continuity, Resilience and Recovery

Duration: 1-5 days

Category: IT Security

Duration: 5 days

Category: Management, Security

Duration: 1-2 days