(+357) 7000 32 32 info@pcxmanagement.eu



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Our vision is the proper education of tomorrow citizens.


Part of the Cybernet Training Center


Cybernet Zenon is the company’s computer training center. It’s part of the Cybernet Training Center the biggest franchise training centers in Cyprus. It is registered and approved as a private educational institution by the Ministry of Education of Cyprus.

Junior Educational Programs

Our Duty

Our duty is the multifaceted education and culture of young people capacities. Central axis in our effort, our love to the new generation and our conviction that investing in the personality and in the faculties of our children we ensure the maintenance of ancient Greek philosophy that was bequeathed in us through the centuries and that supported the course of populations and cultures for millennia.

We all belong to the same family

The key to the successful achievement of our objectives and our vision is the proper organisation, the harmonious collaboration and the consequence in between our members.

Feel with us the force of network

“Network”, that is incarnated at CYBERNET through the significances of human network in the sector of human relations, the significance of world internet, in the sector of technology and finally the commercial networks and strategic alliances in the enterprising sector.

Strategic partners
