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Erasmus+ project 2020-2022 TITAN


Transformative training to empower Sustainably Responsible Leadership and Innovation

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TITAN project contributes to the EU goal of leading the implementation of the 2030 Agenda by supporting individuals and SMEs in acquiring relevant Sustainably Leadership & Innovation skills to be implemented in working context, for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals while maintaining their value proposition. This project focuses on SMEs since they “are the backbone of Europe economy” and represent 99% of all businesses in Europe (EC).

GREEN ANGELS project aims to generate a high-quality learning opportunity, incorporating the development of essential skills for self-entrepreneurship involving motivation and social inclusion activities. These skills will be developed across the curriculum by using an innovative approach that combines classical learning with e-learning and media technology 2.0 through a web portal. In this way, the GREEN ANGELS project will design an interactive educational pathway available in all the languages of the partnership for use across Europe, to upskill low qualified and socially excluded migrants/BMEs and provide them with self-entrepreneurship competencies giving them the opportunity to fight against exclusion and marginalization and enter the labour market.


1. to develop and implement an innovative competence matrix and learning materials on Sustainably Leadership & Innovation focused on management & leadership emergent and complementary topics such as Emotional and Spiritual Intelligences, Responsible Innovation (RI), workplace innovation, ethics, environment sustainability, intercultural teams management and cooperation, and others.

2. to develop and implements two complementary Sustainably Leadership & Innovation assessment tools.

3. to develop a video guide (OER) with helpful tips and tools on how to support workers on
gaining Sustainably Responsible Leadership & Innovation skills, at all levels.


  • TITAN Sustainably Responsible Leadership & Innovation curriculum
  • TITAN Sustainably Responsible Leadership & Innovation e-learning materials
  • TITAN Sustainably Responsible Leadership & Innovation assessment toolkit
  • TITAN Sustainably Responsible Leadership & Innovation Video Guide for Training

Target Groups