What X-Risk means?
An x-Risk (or existential risk) is a risk posing permanent large negative consequences to humanity, which can never be undone.
The total negative impact of an existential risk is one of the greatest negative impact known. Such event could not only annihilate life as we value it from earth, but would also severely damage all Earth-originating intelligent life potential.
Transferring this into organizations, an x-risk is a risk with the total negative impact that affects the existence of the organisation.
An Operational Risk Management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities.
PCX Management team will work with you to:
- develop innovative and strategic solutions that support and drive value within your organisation.
- successfully apply methodologies, techniques and standards to effectively minimize, monitor, and control the frequency of occurrence.
- minimize, monitor, and control the impact to their brand image & reputation, assets, revenues and resources when such events occur..
Exposure Valuations
Robust Analytics
Implementation of Risk Control measures
Proactive Management
We have the expertise to perform a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the risks identified on the basis of the anticipated likelihood and impact in order to select the appropriate RM strategy to lever risk.
Business Continuity Management Consulting Services
BC is about building and improving resilience in your business; it’s about identifying your key products and services and the most urgent activities that underpin them.
Once that ‘analysis’ is complete, it is about devising plans and strategies that will enable you to continue your business operations and enable you to recover quickly and effectively from any type disruption whatever its size or cause.
We help our customers to build solid and comprehensive Business Continuity Strategies, Plans and Management System
We typically provide a blended approach of consulting & training and, if appropriate, technology to support your goal of improved project performance. We help our customers to improve their project management maturity, establishing consistent, practical project methodology and establishing PMO functions.
High-performing organisations know that success depends on highly capable people. Using a competency-based approach both the employer and the employee benefit and you can demonstrate to regulators and stakeholders that you have the infrastructure and a clear blueprint for competency management.