On 3-4 November 2022 the GREEN ANGELS partners attended the second Transnational Project Meeting in Paris, France hosted by Solution : Solidarité & Inclusion.
During the meeting, the partners discussed the project activities and the progress on the final project products. We are in the period of the project implementation where the first output is being developed and the second outcome is underway, so the partnership has discussed its implementation, has made adjustments to optimise the results and has made an evaluation of the progress of the project. The implementation of the dissemination plan was evaluated and further activities were discussed.
Next step? The Consortium will finalise training pathway together with the initial and interim self-assessment tools & the ‘GREEN ANGELS FOR YOU’ hub will be online.
We would like to thank the coordinator of the project Pro Arbeit – Kreis Offenbach (Germany), the host of the meeting Solution : Solidarité & Inclusion (France), and the rest of the partners Associazione N.E.T. – Networking Education and Training (Italy), 36,6 Competence Centre (Poland), PCX Computers & Information Systems LTD (Cyprus) and Asociación ACE. Aprende, Coopera, Emprende (Spain) for this productive and efficient meeting.