(+357) 7000 32 32 info@pcxmanagement.eu

Erasmus+ project 2019-2021 GRCEssentials


«Governance, Risk management and Compliance Essentials - GRCEssentials»

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«Governance, Risk management and Compliance Essentials – GRCEssentials»
is the new Erasmus+ project, in which our Company has the leading role.

GRCEssentials will be implemented under KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices / KA202 – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training.

Objective: GRCEssentials seeks to enable SMEs and micro-enterprises to become more competitive by increasing their capabilities in the areas of governance, risk and compliance, by adapting international best practices in the areas of Governance, Risk management and Compliance.


  • A GRC curriculum adopted to the needs of SMEs and micro-enterprises.
  • A GRC methodology that will enable SMEs and micro-enterprises to implement GRC in their work environment.
  • A GRC Certification
  • A Learning Platform for integrating the curriculum with information, tools and other resources in order to enhance learning.

Target Groups